Why Start a Mentoring program?

To pick up from my last post of Being Your Own Best Leader, as I mentioned, I have being going through this process of Management Development and while nothing I am posting about is earth-shattering it does serve as a good reminder. One of the topics that really stuck with me was Mentorship (Why Start a Mentoring Program?).


Throughout my career path I have been very fortunate to have some amazing mentors who helped guide and influence me along the way. I have realized over the years how important there mentors were and some still are today as I continue to grow and develop.

(Before you continue reading this try to think of those people who have helped you develop along the way. Please comment about them as they deserve to be appreciated)

A company should try to understand how mentors can be an influential force for developing their employees, and how they can support and be a valuable resource to even the top leaders, with the socializing of their employees who are new to the organization. They can be an invaluable resource for expertise and guidance, and for building an highly engaged department or organization as a whole.


Mentoring is important to career achievement: A mentor can:

  • Help establish a career plan
  • Offer insights and advice about potential opportunities
  • Serve as a sounding board for ideas and career-related decisions


The relationship that is developed during this process will continue to pay for itself personally and for the organization.


Some key take a ways:

  • A mentor acts as a trusted counselor
  • Mentors develop valuable skills that can further both personal and professional development
  • The relationship should offer a risk-free learning environment


In summary, the process of mentoring is a great way to develop associates that goes beyond them executing their day-to-day tasks for a particular job. It increases their employability, skills and helps foster engaged employees and teams.

October 25, 2014 0 tags (show)